这就是我~ ^^
2)对海鲜,除了鱼,喉咙敏感~ 喉咙里面会很痒,时间看情况而定~
3)千万别在外头吃辣的食物,一点点都不可以~ 因为会“下雨”,汗不停的从头皮流下来~
8)“音乐是我的生命”~ 哈哈~没这么夸张,应该说“音乐是我生命的一部份”~
9)去教堂~ 帮忙,事奉~
11)喜欢车子,不过没这么迷~ 白色,灰色,或黑色轿车还满不错的~
12)只说觉得适当的话~ 纸上谈兵我不爱说~ 因为觉得很浪费时间~
16)Keep Moving Forward~
18)不去Clubbing 或 pub, 不过喜欢去打Pool 还有 CyberCafe~
19)喜欢做生意~ Accounting & Finance, 当做知识来念,以后不会被骗~
(就是有自己的工作,在工作岗位上以学来的才干在 教会服侍)
29)我绝对不是个完美主义者~ (不懂好还是不好)
30)爱马来西亚~ 马来西亚加油!还有希望!
37)越来越肥,该减了~ =p
38)人生很美好~ 因为每一天都是不一样的一天~
41)一旦入睡,怎样吵都没用,因为我深深地睡着了~ =p
42)朋友不多,但好朋友们,兄弟们如手足~关系非常好~ 欣慰~ =)
43) 不会不择手段,喜欢正直~
54)不认识时觉得我很安静,认识了觉得我健谈,熟了就会觉得其实我也很好玩~ =D
啊~想不到了~接下来空白的部分,以后想到了就再补上吧~嘻嘻~ 晚安!=D
A blog about my ordinary and meaningful life such as enjoyment,sadness,unlucky,daily lifestyle,jokes,relation with god,studies and all other thankful and meaningful experiences that i had been walk thru in my life..... =D
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Monday, 19 September 2011
朋友,联系,喝茶,玩dota~ lolz~ 有着一群一起中学长大的好朋友~
这就是我在家乡的生活, 简单且温暖的家乡生活~ ^^
有些照片不知放哪了~ 下次补上~ ^^
朋友,联系,喝茶,玩dota~ lolz~ 有着一群一起中学长大的好朋友~
这就是我在家乡的生活, 简单且温暖的家乡生活~ ^^
有些照片不知放哪了~ 下次补上~ ^^
哦~ 已经深夜一点了,怎么一点睡意都没有。或许是前几天睡得太饱了吧~
今天算是过的有意义的一天,交了Assignment,温习了transfer pricing,晚上参与了教会执事会~
真开心,我的脚伤在前几天终于好了~ 穿起了战鞋,带着开心的心情到球场去~
投个篮,跳一跳,再做几个比较复杂的动作,我的脚不痛了!很开心,隔了一个月,终于有可以打球了~ 果然打好后精疲力尽,一回来很早就睡觉了~ 昨天打羽球也是一样的情形~
今天算是过的有意义的一天,交了Assignment,温习了transfer pricing,晚上参与了教会执事会~
真开心,我的脚伤在前几天终于好了~ 穿起了战鞋,带着开心的心情到球场去~
投个篮,跳一跳,再做几个比较复杂的动作,我的脚不痛了!很开心,隔了一个月,终于有可以打球了~ 果然打好后精疲力尽,一回来很早就睡觉了~ 昨天打羽球也是一样的情形~
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
You Are My All In All~
四位男生以非常有生命力,感染力,及生动的演绎了这首诗歌。可以说是发自内心,并且深深体会Jesus Lamb of God, You are my All in all............. 非常喜欢!Share 在Blog里~ =)
" You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek,
You are my all in all.
Seeking you as a precious jewel, Lord I give up I'd be a fool,
Your are my all in all.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name.
Taking my sin my cross my shame, rising again I bless your Name,
You are my all in all.
When I fall down u pick me up, When I am dry you fill my cup,
Your are my all in all.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name. "
" You are my strength when I am weak, You are the treasure that I seek,
You are my all in all.
Seeking you as a precious jewel, Lord I give up I'd be a fool,
Your are my all in all.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name.
Taking my sin my cross my shame, rising again I bless your Name,
You are my all in all.
When I fall down u pick me up, When I am dry you fill my cup,
Your are my all in all.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name.
Jesus Lamb of God, Worthy is your Name. "
“我告诫所有年轻人,要永远保持年轻的心态 ” 他是怎么做到的呢?看了这本书,觉得非常有意思,因为他的道理真的是再也简单不过了,简单得一点就通,简单得所有人在复杂的社会,却忘了竟然有如此简单的大道理。
还有好多好多来自巴菲特给年轻人的忠告。他是股神,也是一位成功的导师。 =)
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
“心里有平安如江河,因为有耶稣基督在我心。” =)
Saturday, 10 September 2011
开起电脑听诗歌,边做功课,继续加油company reporting的第五课复习
加油!今天也要过着充实的一天! =D
开起电脑听诗歌,边做功课,继续加油company reporting的第五课复习
加油!今天也要过着充实的一天! =D
Friday, 9 September 2011
预祝中秋节快乐~ =D
Thursday, 8 September 2011
这星期忙碌了整天,主要是面对课业繁忙的压力,从早上便待在学校里一直到晚上十点图书馆收工为止。再繁忙的课业也是有需要打盹的时间,休息偷懒一下。当然在Monash里待这么长时间,也遇到了一些人及事物。真是意象不到,虽然大家都是读着Bachelor of Business and Commerce, 可在不同的领域都有一番作为呢!有一片属于自己可以展翅翱翔的天空~ 有些人的天空甚至与自己读的科目完全搭不上关系~ Monash真是卧虎藏龙~
林腾,加油!你行的!靠着神的帮助,一定可以走过这段路~ 先把功课专注好,再去享受喜欢的运动及音乐~ 也把学习当做一种享受~ 加油! =)
林腾,加油!你行的!靠着神的帮助,一定可以走过这段路~ 先把功课专注好,再去享受喜欢的运动及音乐~ 也把学习当做一种享受~ 加油! =)
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Development of management accounting since the 1950s
For a clear and wide picture for this assignment topic, the background of management accounting is to be concerned. Management accounting is using relevant resources to aid manager decision making for the sake of shareholder value and customer value (Landfield, Thorne and Hilton, 2009). Management accounting needs to provide the relevant information to aid manager decision making. However, our world and society change rapidly from time to time. As the decade goes on, the way of organizational behavior, information needed for manager decision making, and information focused on, vary in a different way. For examples, decentralized home-based manufacturing began to be replaced by centralized factory-based manufacturing in the early part of nineteenth centuries(John & Kaplan, 1987), and the focus of management accounting moved to waste reduction from the mid-1980s (Landfield et al., 2009). These indicate the pressures for change in management accounting as the old methods and information focused are no longer can be used anymore.
2)Pressures for Changes and Relevance Lost Concerns
But, this phenomena lead to relevance lost that needed to be concern seriously. Accountants began to allocate original costs between costs between cost of sales and inventory instead of estimating accurate product costs with the technology available at the time. This is due to the demand by external reporting burgeoned (Johnson &Kaplan, 1987). By the 1960s and 1970s, this serious deterioration in management skills had made managers commonly relied on the financial numbers alone. It is no doubt that, such relatively quick and dirty allocation methods became the 'visible hand' for this relevance lost in management accounting (Johnson & Kaplan, 1987). Hence, this need to be solved and the development of management accounting since 1950s will be hereby provided and discussed throughout this assignment. At the end of the assignment, future research directions in management accounting will also be pointed out and suggested.
3)Management Accounting Techniques
Before 1950s, management was concerned primarily with internal matters, especially production capacity. The use of budgeting and cost accounting techniques was prevalent in this period. Cost accounting, rather than management accounting, was the name given to this area of accounting (Landfield et al., 2009).
In the 1950s and 1960s the focus of management accounting changed to the provison of information for planning and control purposes to aid decison making (R.Luther, 2006). Management controls were leaning toward maufacturing and internal adminstration rather than strategic and environmental considerations. Management accounting, as part of a management control system, tended to be reactive, identifying problems and actions only when deviations from the business plan took place. The organizations in this relatively time, were more concern about profitability (Landfield et al., 2009). Hence, decision analysis and responsibility accounting techniques became popular and use widely by management accountant to provide relevant information which enhanced profitability. In the decision analysis, organization will identify the objectives that will guide the business, then search for a range of possible action to achieve the objectives (Morse, 2009). Organization will compare actual and planned outcomes and hence take corrective action to make the organization better.
The world recession in the 1970s, following the oil price shock and the increased global competition in the early 1980s, threatened the Western established markets and led to a declined in their protected markets. The increased competition was accompanied and underpinned by a rapid technological development that affected many aspects of the industrial sector. Therefore, the design, maintenance and interpretation of information systems became of considerable importance in effective management. Accounting researchers and practitioners recognized that the management accounting curriculum was no longer appropriate to the problems facing by manager (Atkinson et al., 1985). They argued that the existence management failed to address the production function had undergone drastic changes. Both of the reasons were often accompanied by a focus on waste reduction and employee empowerment (R.Luther, 2006). In this environment there is a need for management information, and decision making, to be diffused throughout the organization, in order to support employees at all levels. Due to this situation, new techniques involving process analysis and cost management were added to the existing range of management accounting techniques (Landfield et al.,2009).
In the 1990s, advances such as the internet and globalization continued to exert considerable uncertainty on businesses. The focus of management accountants shifted to the generation or creation of value through the effective use of resources, through the use of technologies that examine the drivers of customer value, shareholder value, and organizational innovation (R.Luther, 2006). The focus of management accounting started to shift towards the broader techniques of resource management, and focused on the creation of customer value, and shareholder value through the effective use of resources (Landfield et al., 2009). Apart from that, innovative accounting tends to be illustrated du to the pressure of changes in the organizational world. For example, life cycle cost analysis and activity- based costing are designed with specific aspects of the modern business environment. Life-cycle costing recognizes that managers' ability to influence the cost of manufacturing a product is at its greatest when the product is still at the design stage of its product life-cycle, since small changes to the product design may lead to significant savings in the cost of manufacturing the products. Activity-based costing recognizes that, in modern factories, most manufacturing costs are determined by the amount of non-volume based activities and that the key to effective cost control is therefore optimizing the efficiency of these activities resources (Landfield et al., 2009).
As a result, it can be conclude that the development in management accounting technique depends on the organizational change. Techniques used to gain relevant information are different as different information needed to be collected, integrated and submitted needs different techniques in order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the information to aid decision making.
4)Development in Theories
The concept of organization serves as a key factor in determining if an organization or company reaches its goals and objective while exemplifying their mission. Nonetheless, there are various theories of organization that can be utilized such as the contingency theory. Contingency theory assumes that the design of an organization's management accounting system may be influenced by a range of factors including the external environment, technology, organizational structure, organization size, strategy, and organizational and national culture (Landfield et al.,2009). This means that in designing the system, the management accountant will need to take account of how large and complex the organization is, what sort of market the organization operates in and so on (Landfield et al., 2009). Contingency theory focuses on the cause of differences in management accounting system designs.
Furthermore, the location of information in relation to technology and environment has an important influence on organization structure. Information is frequently internal in uncertain environments with non-routine technology whereas environments are certain, or where technology is routine, information is external. In the contingency theory model, decentralized authority is more appropriate for uncertain environments and centralized authority is more appropriate when environments are certain (Tiessen, P. and J.H.Waterhouse, 1983).
Besides that, agency theory had also been developed in management accounting. Agency theory is developed around the concept of contractual relationships between two groups with conflicting objectives. The objective in agency theory is to structure the contractual relationship between these groups so that agents take cations to maximize the welfare of principlas (Tiessen,P. and J.H. Waterhouse, 1983).
Apart from that, institutional theory is also one of the important theories in management accounting. Institutional theory state that the design of an organization's management accounting system may be influenced by the need for legitimacy and the tendency for firms to imitate the 'good practice' from other organizations (Landfield et al., 2009).
The most basic principle and distinct characteristic to the institutional theory is conformity. Conformity is used to determine the legitimacy of an organization. The concept of conformity establishes 'rational myths' in which it is just 'rational' that an organization would incorporate certain social norms, rules, and requirements into it mission and goals. In order for an organization to be endorsed as a valid one, it must conform to the 'rational myths' (M.Jones, 1999). As a result of conformity, many organizations began to resemble one another because they are facing the same social pressures.
The institutional theory can be rewarding concept to an organization because its stakeholder, as a whole (society), plays a vital role in determining the legitimacy of an organization, directly, and have much more power in the operations of an organization. Many other theories of organization do not extend the same level of power to its stakeholders in which the stakeholders set the standards. It is for this reason that the institutional theory is a promising theory (Reinaldo et al., 2006)
However, there is no theory for every organization to be determined as 'best fit approach'. This approach examine the capability of an organization mission, goal, vision, and strategic plans to the basic principles of a theory in an effort to determine which theory fits best with that particular organization. Three of these theories have their own advantages which suits the organization with different style of how their managers managed in the organizational roles.
5)Development in Research Strategies/Methods
There are several research strategies or methods to approach the solution for management accounting relevant lost and improve management accounting. One of them is by using the survey method. This is a method of collection of quantitative data. Survey normally collect data from organization's manager, accountants, and directors even stakeholders. The different views from organizations may provide relevant data to aid management accounting research to be improved in the future.
With the data collected, the researcher may now using mathematical and statistical methods to make improvement of management accounting techniques. It seems like the development in such area has increases rapidly as the research shows that there is an increase of 17% from 1990s till 2000s at this particular area (Scapens & Bromwich, 2010).
Furthermore, case studies have also increased by 16% in 2000s (Scapens & Bromwich, 2010). Researchers seem started to concern about the case studies happened and figure out how to solve the relevant lost of management accounting. Case studies are the evidence of scandals and show the weakness of management accounting.
These are the management accounting research strategies or methods that focused by the researchers nowadays. Researchers have a clear and wide mission to improve management accounting. Of course, there are some other strategies or methods for research management accounting. For example, financial statement analysis, historical analysis and literature review. However, as decade goes on, these methods are not so important to solve the current situations of management accounting system because the world had change and it will goes on (Hopwood, 2008).
6)Discussion and Conclusion
The development of these specific areas had been discussed throughout the assignment. From the development of management accounting, the researchers had put in great effort to keep improving management accounting and aid manager decision making from time to time. The development of techniques is really amazing as these techniques tend to merge into the world of organization role at each particular decade. Managers do truly need management accountant with such wonderful skills and techniques to aid their decision making in order to grow the companies and organizations. The development of theories is also a very important part. Based on the theories, management researchers have a wide direction to figure out which research method and strategy to be used to improve current and future management accounting world. Although there are a few mistakes and relevant lost since 1980s, they are still trying to solve this problem.
As a conclusion, management accounting does play an important role in the organizational world. As the research continue to goes on, I believe that the management accounting will grow stronger and stronger, not even merge with the organizational world, but also become a part that cannot be forget or abandon by the organizations.
7)Future Research Direction in Management Accounting
In my opinion, there is unnecessary to narrow down the research gateway as there might be something missing or lost of important information. This will be concerned as the decade goes on and there will be another relevant lost exactly same like the case happened in 1980s. Management accounting researchers are encouraged to be creative and to produce innovative papers. In the future, 'we' would like to see such diverse research continuing to be published in management accounting research (Scapens &Bromwich, 2010). Therefore, management accounting researchers should do the research that they think may improve management accounting in the future as every researcher might have different way of thinking and opinion about the current phenomena and solution for changing organization world throughout the era.
For a clear and wide picture for this assignment topic, the background of management accounting is to be concerned. Management accounting is using relevant resources to aid manager decision making for the sake of shareholder value and customer value (Landfield, Thorne and Hilton, 2009). Management accounting needs to provide the relevant information to aid manager decision making. However, our world and society change rapidly from time to time. As the decade goes on, the way of organizational behavior, information needed for manager decision making, and information focused on, vary in a different way. For examples, decentralized home-based manufacturing began to be replaced by centralized factory-based manufacturing in the early part of nineteenth centuries(John & Kaplan, 1987), and the focus of management accounting moved to waste reduction from the mid-1980s (Landfield et al., 2009). These indicate the pressures for change in management accounting as the old methods and information focused are no longer can be used anymore.
2)Pressures for Changes and Relevance Lost Concerns
But, this phenomena lead to relevance lost that needed to be concern seriously. Accountants began to allocate original costs between costs between cost of sales and inventory instead of estimating accurate product costs with the technology available at the time. This is due to the demand by external reporting burgeoned (Johnson &Kaplan, 1987). By the 1960s and 1970s, this serious deterioration in management skills had made managers commonly relied on the financial numbers alone. It is no doubt that, such relatively quick and dirty allocation methods became the 'visible hand' for this relevance lost in management accounting (Johnson & Kaplan, 1987). Hence, this need to be solved and the development of management accounting since 1950s will be hereby provided and discussed throughout this assignment. At the end of the assignment, future research directions in management accounting will also be pointed out and suggested.
3)Management Accounting Techniques
Before 1950s, management was concerned primarily with internal matters, especially production capacity. The use of budgeting and cost accounting techniques was prevalent in this period. Cost accounting, rather than management accounting, was the name given to this area of accounting (Landfield et al., 2009).
In the 1950s and 1960s the focus of management accounting changed to the provison of information for planning and control purposes to aid decison making (R.Luther, 2006). Management controls were leaning toward maufacturing and internal adminstration rather than strategic and environmental considerations. Management accounting, as part of a management control system, tended to be reactive, identifying problems and actions only when deviations from the business plan took place. The organizations in this relatively time, were more concern about profitability (Landfield et al., 2009). Hence, decision analysis and responsibility accounting techniques became popular and use widely by management accountant to provide relevant information which enhanced profitability. In the decision analysis, organization will identify the objectives that will guide the business, then search for a range of possible action to achieve the objectives (Morse, 2009). Organization will compare actual and planned outcomes and hence take corrective action to make the organization better.
The world recession in the 1970s, following the oil price shock and the increased global competition in the early 1980s, threatened the Western established markets and led to a declined in their protected markets. The increased competition was accompanied and underpinned by a rapid technological development that affected many aspects of the industrial sector. Therefore, the design, maintenance and interpretation of information systems became of considerable importance in effective management. Accounting researchers and practitioners recognized that the management accounting curriculum was no longer appropriate to the problems facing by manager (Atkinson et al., 1985). They argued that the existence management failed to address the production function had undergone drastic changes. Both of the reasons were often accompanied by a focus on waste reduction and employee empowerment (R.Luther, 2006). In this environment there is a need for management information, and decision making, to be diffused throughout the organization, in order to support employees at all levels. Due to this situation, new techniques involving process analysis and cost management were added to the existing range of management accounting techniques (Landfield et al.,2009).
In the 1990s, advances such as the internet and globalization continued to exert considerable uncertainty on businesses. The focus of management accountants shifted to the generation or creation of value through the effective use of resources, through the use of technologies that examine the drivers of customer value, shareholder value, and organizational innovation (R.Luther, 2006). The focus of management accounting started to shift towards the broader techniques of resource management, and focused on the creation of customer value, and shareholder value through the effective use of resources (Landfield et al., 2009). Apart from that, innovative accounting tends to be illustrated du to the pressure of changes in the organizational world. For example, life cycle cost analysis and activity- based costing are designed with specific aspects of the modern business environment. Life-cycle costing recognizes that managers' ability to influence the cost of manufacturing a product is at its greatest when the product is still at the design stage of its product life-cycle, since small changes to the product design may lead to significant savings in the cost of manufacturing the products. Activity-based costing recognizes that, in modern factories, most manufacturing costs are determined by the amount of non-volume based activities and that the key to effective cost control is therefore optimizing the efficiency of these activities resources (Landfield et al., 2009).
As a result, it can be conclude that the development in management accounting technique depends on the organizational change. Techniques used to gain relevant information are different as different information needed to be collected, integrated and submitted needs different techniques in order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the information to aid decision making.
4)Development in Theories
The concept of organization serves as a key factor in determining if an organization or company reaches its goals and objective while exemplifying their mission. Nonetheless, there are various theories of organization that can be utilized such as the contingency theory. Contingency theory assumes that the design of an organization's management accounting system may be influenced by a range of factors including the external environment, technology, organizational structure, organization size, strategy, and organizational and national culture (Landfield et al.,2009). This means that in designing the system, the management accountant will need to take account of how large and complex the organization is, what sort of market the organization operates in and so on (Landfield et al., 2009). Contingency theory focuses on the cause of differences in management accounting system designs.
Furthermore, the location of information in relation to technology and environment has an important influence on organization structure. Information is frequently internal in uncertain environments with non-routine technology whereas environments are certain, or where technology is routine, information is external. In the contingency theory model, decentralized authority is more appropriate for uncertain environments and centralized authority is more appropriate when environments are certain (Tiessen, P. and J.H.Waterhouse, 1983).
Besides that, agency theory had also been developed in management accounting. Agency theory is developed around the concept of contractual relationships between two groups with conflicting objectives. The objective in agency theory is to structure the contractual relationship between these groups so that agents take cations to maximize the welfare of principlas (Tiessen,P. and J.H. Waterhouse, 1983).
Apart from that, institutional theory is also one of the important theories in management accounting. Institutional theory state that the design of an organization's management accounting system may be influenced by the need for legitimacy and the tendency for firms to imitate the 'good practice' from other organizations (Landfield et al., 2009).
The most basic principle and distinct characteristic to the institutional theory is conformity. Conformity is used to determine the legitimacy of an organization. The concept of conformity establishes 'rational myths' in which it is just 'rational' that an organization would incorporate certain social norms, rules, and requirements into it mission and goals. In order for an organization to be endorsed as a valid one, it must conform to the 'rational myths' (M.Jones, 1999). As a result of conformity, many organizations began to resemble one another because they are facing the same social pressures.
The institutional theory can be rewarding concept to an organization because its stakeholder, as a whole (society), plays a vital role in determining the legitimacy of an organization, directly, and have much more power in the operations of an organization. Many other theories of organization do not extend the same level of power to its stakeholders in which the stakeholders set the standards. It is for this reason that the institutional theory is a promising theory (Reinaldo et al., 2006)
However, there is no theory for every organization to be determined as 'best fit approach'. This approach examine the capability of an organization mission, goal, vision, and strategic plans to the basic principles of a theory in an effort to determine which theory fits best with that particular organization. Three of these theories have their own advantages which suits the organization with different style of how their managers managed in the organizational roles.
5)Development in Research Strategies/Methods
There are several research strategies or methods to approach the solution for management accounting relevant lost and improve management accounting. One of them is by using the survey method. This is a method of collection of quantitative data. Survey normally collect data from organization's manager, accountants, and directors even stakeholders. The different views from organizations may provide relevant data to aid management accounting research to be improved in the future.
With the data collected, the researcher may now using mathematical and statistical methods to make improvement of management accounting techniques. It seems like the development in such area has increases rapidly as the research shows that there is an increase of 17% from 1990s till 2000s at this particular area (Scapens & Bromwich, 2010).
Furthermore, case studies have also increased by 16% in 2000s (Scapens & Bromwich, 2010). Researchers seem started to concern about the case studies happened and figure out how to solve the relevant lost of management accounting. Case studies are the evidence of scandals and show the weakness of management accounting.
These are the management accounting research strategies or methods that focused by the researchers nowadays. Researchers have a clear and wide mission to improve management accounting. Of course, there are some other strategies or methods for research management accounting. For example, financial statement analysis, historical analysis and literature review. However, as decade goes on, these methods are not so important to solve the current situations of management accounting system because the world had change and it will goes on (Hopwood, 2008).
6)Discussion and Conclusion
The development of these specific areas had been discussed throughout the assignment. From the development of management accounting, the researchers had put in great effort to keep improving management accounting and aid manager decision making from time to time. The development of techniques is really amazing as these techniques tend to merge into the world of organization role at each particular decade. Managers do truly need management accountant with such wonderful skills and techniques to aid their decision making in order to grow the companies and organizations. The development of theories is also a very important part. Based on the theories, management researchers have a wide direction to figure out which research method and strategy to be used to improve current and future management accounting world. Although there are a few mistakes and relevant lost since 1980s, they are still trying to solve this problem.
As a conclusion, management accounting does play an important role in the organizational world. As the research continue to goes on, I believe that the management accounting will grow stronger and stronger, not even merge with the organizational world, but also become a part that cannot be forget or abandon by the organizations.
7)Future Research Direction in Management Accounting
In my opinion, there is unnecessary to narrow down the research gateway as there might be something missing or lost of important information. This will be concerned as the decade goes on and there will be another relevant lost exactly same like the case happened in 1980s. Management accounting researchers are encouraged to be creative and to produce innovative papers. In the future, 'we' would like to see such diverse research continuing to be published in management accounting research (Scapens &Bromwich, 2010). Therefore, management accounting researchers should do the research that they think may improve management accounting in the future as every researcher might have different way of thinking and opinion about the current phenomena and solution for changing organization world throughout the era.
Country's Standard of Living depends on its Ability to Produce Goods and Services~
The standard of living of a country depends on its ability to produce goods and services. This principle does truly relates to everyday life of everyone. For a clear and wide picture for this assignment, key words are need to be determined. Difference in the standard of living is strongly linked to differences in productivity. Productivity is affected by the level of investment undertaken in an economy, and level of investment is affected by government policies (Mankiw, 2009).
China is chosen to be related for this assignment. Government of China implements policies that are fully democracy, pursue economic development and improve people's lives. These policies do success and lead to economic growth of China as a whole (Jiabao,2011). In addition, China's economy even surpassed Japan, become the second largest in the world (Hughes, 2011).
With such brilliant implementation of government policies, it enhances the level of investment undertaken in China's economy. People around the world tend to invest in China as the government policies attract them to do so. They believe the ongoing growth in business sectors for goods and services. Therefore, China has one of the highest investment rates in the world -- over 40 percent of its GDP in recent years (Bai, Hsieh and Qian, 2011).
Hence, investors with lots of money invest in China will improve the productivity. Productivity is the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time (Mankiw, 2009). The business sectors are now about to hire more labor forces to increase productivity to produce goods and services as they have available money from the investors to do so. From Appendix 1 and 2, it can be clearly seen that the production of oil and natural gas in China increased over these 10 years. Apart from that, appendix 3 and 4 which shows increases in export and low unemployment rate over these 10 years also indirectly do support the increases in productivity of China over these 10 years. Furthermore, the article even indicates that there is nothing that China cannot produce nowadays (Hoffman, 2011).
After all, China is really an impressive and developing country that has huge productivity nowadays. This phenomenon leads to the final stage of this principle, which is the increase of standard living as well. Standard of living can be determined by the GDP per capita, which shows the average annual income of the citizens. From Appendix 5, there is no doubt that GDP per capita of China has grown rapidly from year 2008 to 2011. With higher income, people are able to spend more freely and are able to purchase more goods and services, which specify that their standards of living are increasing. This is based on the concept of circular-flow diagram as income equals to expenditure (Mankiw, 2009).
As a conclusion, China will grow continuosly if it fulfills all the stages in the principle above. Although GDP per capita is not a perfect measurement of standards of living as it does not measure the happiness of population, income earn from other illegal activities, and health or life expectancy, it is till the best as there are no other aptitude that can describe the standard of living better.
As a result, every country does depend on this principle to improve the standard living of everyone's daily life.
China is chosen to be related for this assignment. Government of China implements policies that are fully democracy, pursue economic development and improve people's lives. These policies do success and lead to economic growth of China as a whole (Jiabao,2011). In addition, China's economy even surpassed Japan, become the second largest in the world (Hughes, 2011).
With such brilliant implementation of government policies, it enhances the level of investment undertaken in China's economy. People around the world tend to invest in China as the government policies attract them to do so. They believe the ongoing growth in business sectors for goods and services. Therefore, China has one of the highest investment rates in the world -- over 40 percent of its GDP in recent years (Bai, Hsieh and Qian, 2011).
Hence, investors with lots of money invest in China will improve the productivity. Productivity is the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker's time (Mankiw, 2009). The business sectors are now about to hire more labor forces to increase productivity to produce goods and services as they have available money from the investors to do so. From Appendix 1 and 2, it can be clearly seen that the production of oil and natural gas in China increased over these 10 years. Apart from that, appendix 3 and 4 which shows increases in export and low unemployment rate over these 10 years also indirectly do support the increases in productivity of China over these 10 years. Furthermore, the article even indicates that there is nothing that China cannot produce nowadays (Hoffman, 2011).
After all, China is really an impressive and developing country that has huge productivity nowadays. This phenomenon leads to the final stage of this principle, which is the increase of standard living as well. Standard of living can be determined by the GDP per capita, which shows the average annual income of the citizens. From Appendix 5, there is no doubt that GDP per capita of China has grown rapidly from year 2008 to 2011. With higher income, people are able to spend more freely and are able to purchase more goods and services, which specify that their standards of living are increasing. This is based on the concept of circular-flow diagram as income equals to expenditure (Mankiw, 2009).
As a conclusion, China will grow continuosly if it fulfills all the stages in the principle above. Although GDP per capita is not a perfect measurement of standards of living as it does not measure the happiness of population, income earn from other illegal activities, and health or life expectancy, it is till the best as there are no other aptitude that can describe the standard of living better.
As a result, every country does depend on this principle to improve the standard living of everyone's daily life.
Appendix 1 |
Appendix 2 |
Appendix 3 |
Appendix 5 |
Monday, 5 September 2011
选择了Monash University Foundation Year因为Monash University的名声响叮咚,比大炮还要响~ 也听闻难得可怕,无形中的压力会让学生们吃不消。我想突破自己,加油努力,因为真的很希望学得一番本领,回去报答父母亲对我的疼爱及照顾,辛苦抚养我长大成人。Pre-U的书包轻了许多~ 每天朝九晚五,书包轻得像我去学钢琴的书包那样。仍然是Spoonfeed教学法,使我非常适应这种学习方式。
终于进到了这间梦寐以求的Monash University, 不过这是怎么回事?一星期上课四天,平均一天两小时,上好课就回家去了。一个Semester只有四科。每天需要带去Uni的教材,最多只有20张A4纸的Lecture Handout~ 书包真的轻了~ 哈哈~ 不过,第一天就把整个Semester的Assignment分发下来,吓得我蹦蹦跳跳。这里没有人会主动帮忙,需要自己自动自发的发问,去Consultation Hour, make appoinment 找老师。学业要求严格,分数难拿,课业繁重,failing rate也高得吓人,最高Failing rate超过50%~ 真的会感到莫名的无形压力一直逼近,传闻真的是一点都没错呢~ 坚持住啊!我可不要“肥佬” 啊~ 这里真的需要付出非常大的努力呢~ 加油林腾!靠着神,凡事都能!在这梦寐以求的学校努力学习,然后出社会读“社会大学”,努力奋斗!嘻嘻~ =D
Saturday, 3 September 2011
Hari Raya and National Day假期已经结束了~ 感谢主,这两天的假期,让我有了足够休息,继续冲刺接下来忙碌的生活。星期一Macroeconomics Mid-term exam that worth 10%, 星期四Performance measurement & control Mid-term exam that worth 10%, 星期五有一份非常挑战的Assignment due, worth 20%
啊~ 好想念家里呢~ 辛苦的爸妈应该是非常的忙碌,乐观懂事的弟弟,从小照顾我长大的外公外婆;就算天塌下来都没事,坚信神是最稳固依靠,乐观的大舅,努力及工作辛苦的小舅;疼爱我的大姨,在美里,KL努力奋斗的小姨和KL 姨,还有可爱的表弟表妹们,非常想念你们呢~ 哈哈~ 真希望能够赶快回去,与家人们团聚,想念每早陪外公外婆吃早餐,每晚都聚在一起享用有着欢乐声的丰富晚餐的日子~
很快就回去了哦~ 嘻嘻~ 说不定会给个Surprise Coming back哦!!! 嘻嘻~ =D
啊~ 好想念家里呢~ 辛苦的爸妈应该是非常的忙碌,乐观懂事的弟弟,从小照顾我长大的外公外婆;就算天塌下来都没事,坚信神是最稳固依靠,乐观的大舅,努力及工作辛苦的小舅;疼爱我的大姨,在美里,KL努力奋斗的小姨和KL 姨,还有可爱的表弟表妹们,非常想念你们呢~ 哈哈~ 真希望能够赶快回去,与家人们团聚,想念每早陪外公外婆吃早餐,每晚都聚在一起享用有着欢乐声的丰富晚餐的日子~
很快就回去了哦~ 嘻嘻~ 说不定会给个Surprise Coming back哦!!! 嘻嘻~ =D
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新年放炮咯~ |
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看热闹的家人~ |
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很有帅气的外公~ |
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饭前祷告~ |
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我们这一家~ |
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老爸老妈~ |
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老弟老妹~ |
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妈,小姨~ |
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妈,小姨,大姨~ |
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大舅,大舅母~ |
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开心果姨婆,外婆~ |
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Eunice and Rong~ |
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小舅,小舅母,国彬~ 还有一个双胞胎哥哥国乐~没拍到因为他跑去玩了~ 哈哈~ |
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外公外婆~ |
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